[bootlin/training-materials updates] master: sysdev/beagleplay: add sysdev U-Boot lab (b12e21f5)

Michael Opdenacker michael.opdenacker at bootlin.com
Mon Aug 7 16:25:54 CEST 2023

Repository : https://github.com/bootlin/training-materials
On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/bootlin/training-materials/commit/b12e21f57509a65040630949c2facffbe302fe52


commit b12e21f57509a65040630949c2facffbe302fe52
Author: Clément Ramirez <clement.ramirez at bootlin.com>
Date:   Mon Jul 24 16:21:51 2023 +0200

    sysdev/beagleplay: add sysdev U-Boot lab


 .../Beagleplay_USRkey_UART.png                     | Bin 0 -> 6574193 bytes
 .../sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay.tex                   | 743 +++++++++++++++++++++
 mk/embedded-linux-beagleplay.mk                    |   1 +
 3 files changed, 744 insertions(+)

diff --git a/labs/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay/Beagleplay_USRkey_UART.png b/labs/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay/Beagleplay_USRkey_UART.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d82be27
Binary files /dev/null and b/labs/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay/Beagleplay_USRkey_UART.png differ
diff --git a/labs/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay.tex b/labs/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dad7e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+\subchapter{Bootloader - TF-A and U-Boot}{Objectives: Set up serial
+  communication, understand the AM62x Bootprocess, compile and install the
+  U-Boot bootloader, use basic U-Boot commands, set up TFTP communication 
+  with the development workstation.}
+As the bootloader is the first piece of software executed by a
+hardware platform, the installation procedure of the bootloader is
+very specific to the hardware platform. There are usually two cases:
+\item The processor offers nothing to ease the installation of the
+  bootloader, in which case the JTAG has to be used to initialize
+  flash storage and write the bootloader code to flash. Detailed
+  knowledge of the hardware is of course required to perform these
+  operations.
+\item The processor offers a monitor, implemented in ROM, and through
+  which access to the memories is made easier.
+The AM625 SoC on the BeaglePlay falls into the second category. The monitor
+integrated in the ROM reads the SD card or any other interface to search for 
+a valid bootloader. If this first interface cannot provides a valid bootloader,
+the ROM can search somewhere else or will operate in a fallback mode, that will allow
+to use an external tool to reflash some executable through USB.
+On BeaglePlay board these two options can be chosen with the \code{USR/BOOT}
+key, available on the side of the board\footnote{If you want to know more about 
+the boot procedure of the AM62x SoC, please refer to AM62x datasheet 
+    \includegraphics[width=8cm]{labs/sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay/Beagleplay_USRkey_UART.png}
+If the \code{USR/BOOT} key is released, then the SoC will try to find a 
+bootloader into eMMC memory.
+If the \code{USR/BOOT} key is pressed, then it will try to find a bootloader
+on the microSD.
+{\bf Warning}: In this tutorial we will boot exclusively on the SD card. Therefore
+we will \textbf{ALWAYS} press the \code{USR/BOOT} key during startup ! 
+Go to the \code{$HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader} directory.
+\section{Setting up serial communication with the board}
+The BeaglePlay serial connector is exported on 3 pins near USB-A
+and USB-C ports. Using your special USB to Serial adapter provided
+by your instructor, connect the ground wire (blue) to the \code{G} pin, the
+\code{TX} wire (red) to the \code{RX} pin and finally the \code{RX} wire (green)
+to the \code{TX} pin.\footnote{See
+for details about the USB to Serial adapter that we are using.}.
+You always should make sure that you connect the \code{TX} pin of the cable
+to the \code{RX} pin of the board, and vice versa, whatever the board and
+cables that you use. You can look at the picture a few lines above.
+Once the USB to Serial connector is plugged in, a new serial port
+should appear: \code{/dev/ttyUSB0}.
+You can also see this device appear by looking at the output of
+\code{sudo dmesg}.
+To communicate with the board through the serial port, install a
+serial communication program, such as \code{picocom}:
+\bashcmd{$ sudo apt install picocom}
+If you run {\tt ls -l \hosttty}, you can also see that only
+\code{root} and users belonging to the \code{dialout} group have
+read and write access to the serial console. Therefore, you need
+to add your user to the \code{dialout} group:
+\bashcmd{$ sudo adduser $USER dialout}
+{\bf Important}: for the group change to be effective, you have to
+reboot your computer (at least on Ubuntu 22.04) and log in again.
+A workaround is to run \code{newgrp dialout}, but it is not global.
+You have to run it in each terminal.
+Run {\tt picocom -b 115200 \hosttty}, to start serial
+communication on {\tt \hosttty}, with a baudrate of 115200.
+If you wish to exit \code{picocom}, press \code{[Ctrl][a]} followed by
+There should be nothing on the serial line so far, as the board is not
+powered up yet.
+It is now time to power up your board by plugging in the type C USB
+cable supplied by your instructor to your PC.
+See what messages you get on the serial line. You should see U-Boot
+start on the serial line, if there was a valid U-Boot and SPL on the 
+board's eMMC.
+\section{Understanding AM62x boot process}
+The AM62x SoC Boot Process is quite complex, involving both numerous
+hardware and software components.
+Let's describe the SoC architecture a little bit more.
+The AM62x SoC is organized around 3 hardware domains.
+First, we have the MAIN domain, which contains the majority of peripherals and
+where the 4 Cortex-A53 processors are located. These processors will be used to
+run our linux kernel or our future userspace applications.
+Next, we have the MCU domain. The principal advantage of this domain is the
+fact that it is isolated from the rest of the SoC and, therefore, provides
+safety use cases. This domain is controlled by a Cortex-M4F processor.
+Finally, we have the WKUP domain which, as its name suggests, is used during
+deepsleep mode and is controlled by a Cortex-R5F processor.
+\textbf{Note :} The Cortex-R5F and the Cortex-M4F are 32 bits processors
+(in opposition to 64bits Cortex-A53 processors) and will therefore need
+a 32bits toolchain.
+The purpose of the AM62x SoC boot process is to initialize all the required
+peripherals and processors in different steps we are about to describe :
+The datasheet describes a software component called TIFS, which stands for
+TI Foundational Security and is responsible for the Secure
+Boot and Power/Ressource Management requests made by the CPUs inside the SoC.
+As Master of the boot process, the TIFS, which is running on the M4F processor,
+will first initiate the R5 Processor and requests the R5 to load a
+complementary firmware to TIFS core.
+Once this done the R5 will run a U-Boot SPL in order to configure DDR and
+the R5 firmware. Finally it will requests the TIFS to Start the first A53 CPU.
+Once the A53 is started, it will load TF-A within the secure world.
+After this, the A53 will switch to normal world and load U-Boot SPL which
+will then load the complete U-Boot image.
+The Following Process Flow can be viewed at the following address :
+\section{Get and install the 32 bits toolchain}
+As the AM62x is using 32bits processors we will need a specific toolchain 
+to perform cross-compilation of 32 bits firmware.
+Although we could use Crosstool-ng to compile this 32 bits toolchain, we will use
+a precompiled one in order to save compilation time.
+To do so, we will get this toolchain from the official ARM website\footnote{You can download precompiled ARM toolchains for other
+target architecture on the following link \url{https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/arm-gnu-toolchain-downloads/}}.
+Let's download and untar it:
+      $ wget -O /tmp/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi.tar.xz https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu/12.2.rel1/binrel/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi.tar.xz
+      $ tar vxJf /tmp/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi.tar.xz -C $HOME/x-tools
+Doesn't forget to add \code{$HOME/x-tools/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin/}
+to your \code{PATH} environment variable. 
+Now our 32 bits toolchain is installed into \code{$HOME/x-tools} directory !
+\section{Configure U-Boot for R5 Processor}
+Because the BeaglePlay board is not yet supported by the mainline U-Boot
+source, we will use the forked repository of the BeagleBoard vendor.
+$ git clone https://git.beagleboard.org/beagleplay/u-boot.git
+$ cd u-boot/
+$ git checkout f036fb
+To share more easily U-Boot images across builds, let's create a build directory.
+$ mkdir -p ../build_uboot/r5
+Get an understanding of U-Boot's configuration and compilation steps
+by reading the \code{README} file, and specifically the {\em Building
+the Software} section.
+Basically, you need to:
+\item Specify the cross-compiler prefix
+(the part before \code{gcc} in the cross-compiler executable name):
+\bashcmd{$ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi-} 
+and the architecture type (we are building for the R5, 32 bits Proc):
+\bashcmd{$ export ARCH=arm}
+\item Run \inlinebash{$ ls configs/ | grep am62x} to see all predefined
+      configurations. The one that supports our board for the R5 processor is
+      \code{am62x_evm_r5_defconfig} 
+\item I our case we need to specify the output directory we've 
+      created a few lines above by adding the following 
+      flag \code{O=../build_uboot/r5/}
+      Now, run \inlinebash{$ make am62x_evm_r5_defconfig O=../build_uboot/r5/}.
+\item Now that you have a valid initial configuration, you can now run \\
+  \inlinebash{$ make menuconfig O=../build_uboot/r5/} to further edit your bootloader features.
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item In the \code{Environment} submenu, we will configure U-Boot so
+    that it stores its environment inside a file called \code{uboot.env}
+    in an ext4 filesystem:
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item Enable \code{Environment is in a EXT4 filesystem}. Disable all other
+          options for environment storage (e.g. MMC, SPI, UBI)
+      \item \code{Name of the block device for the environment}: \code{mmc}
+      \item \code{Device and partition for where to store the environment in
+          EXT4}: \code{1:2}
+      \item \code{Name of the EXT4 file to use for the environment}: \code{/uboot.env}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \item In \code{SPL/TPL} $\rightarrow$ Enable \code{Support EXT filesystems}
+  \item In \code{Boot Options} $\rightarrow$ \code{Enable a default value for bootcmd}
+        and change the \code{bootcmd value} to : \code{echo 'No bootcmd yet'}.
+        That way, U-Boot will not try to load automatically a kernel image and just show
+        'No bootcmd yet'.
+  \end{itemize}
+\item Install the following packages which should be needed to compile U-Boot for
+  your board:
+  \begin{bashinput}
+  $ sudo apt install libssl-dev device-tree-compiler swig \
+          python3-distutils python3-dev python3-setuptools
+  \end{bashinput}
+\item Finally, run \bashcmd{make DEVICE_TREE=k3-am625-r5-beagleplay O=../build_uboot/r5/}
+  which will build U-Boot
+  \footnote{You can speed up the
+  compiling by using the \code{-jX} option with \code{make}, where X
+  is the number of parallel jobs used for compiling. Twice the
+  number of CPU cores is a good value.}.
+  The \code{DEVICE_TREE} variable specifies the specific
+  Device Tree that describes our hardware board.
+  Because we are using an out-of-tree version of U-Boot, the \code{_defconfig}
+  file already configures the device tree correctly, and pass the
+  \code{DEVICE_TREE} variable is therefore not mandatory.
+  That been said, you just could have run \code{make}.
+If you go into \inlinebash{../build_uboot/r5/} you can see all the files
+generated during the build process. Keep in mind that we will only use the
+SPL image of U-Boot for the R5 booting sequence, which is located in the 
+\code{spl} directory.
+\section{Get the TI firmware and create {\tt tiboot3.bin} image}
+Now we have the SPL for the R5 processor, the R5 processor is also responsible
+for loading the TIFS complementary firmware. So let's get it,
+$ cd $HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader
+$ git clone git://git.ti.com/processor-firmware/ti-linux-firmware.git
+$ cd ti-linux-firmware
+$ git checkout c126d3864b9faf725ff40e620049ab5d56dedc5b
+Next, the AM62x requires both SPL and the TIFS firmware to be grouped into a 
+single image within a X.509 Certificate encaplusation.
+To do so, TI provide us a tool called \code{k3-image-gen}, so let's use it !
+Get \code{k3-image-gen},
+$ cd ..
+$ git clone git://git.ti.com/k3-image-gen/k3-image-gen.git
+$ cd k3-image-gen/
+$ git checkout 150f1956b4bdcba36e7dffc78a4342df602f8d6e
+Few parameters have to be passed to the Makefile,
+\item The SoC name: \code{SOC=am62x}
+\item The path to the \code{u-boot-spl} image: 
+    \code{SBL=../build_uboot/r5/spl/u-boot-spl.bin}
+\item The path to the to TIFS firmware binary image:
+    \code{SYSFW_PATH=../ti-linux-firmware/ti-sysfw/ti-fs-firmware-am62x-gp.bin}
+In a single command we then have:
+$ make SOC=am62x SBL=../build_uboot/r5/spl/u-boot-spl.bin SYSFW_PATH=../ti-linux-firmware/ti-sysfw/ti-fs-firmware-am62x-gp.bin
+\section{Get and compile the TF-A}
+Get the mainline TF-A sources:
+$ cd ..
+$ git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/arm-trusted-firmware.git
+$ cd arm-trusted-firmware/
+$ git checkout v2.9
+Several configuration parameters have to be passed to the Makefile:
+\item Change the cross-compiler prefix for the aarch64 cross-compiler,
+      either using the environment variable:
+      \inlinebash{$ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-}, or just by
+      adding it to the \code{make} commande line.
+\item The architecture has to be selected (aarch64)
+      Again either using the environment variable: \code{$ export ARCH=aarch64}
+      or just by adding it to the \code{make} commande line.
+\item The AM62x SoC platform which is the k3 family is selected 
+      too with \code{PLAT=k3}
+\item And we specify the target board we use with \code{TARGET_BOARD=lite}
+So the resulting make command is:
+    $ make PLAT=k3 TARGET_BOARD=lite
+% We are not forced to use OPTEE and in order to simplify the lab
+% we will not using it
+% \section{Get and compile OPTEE-OS}
+% Get the mainline OPTEE-OS sources:
+% \begin{bashinput}
+% $ cd ..
+% $ git clone https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os.git
+% $ cd optee_os/
+% $ git checkout 3.21.0
+% \end{bashinput}
+% Several configuration parameters have to be passed to the Makefile:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Specify the 32 bits cross-compiler prefix \code{CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi-}
+% \item Specify the 64 bits cross-compiler prefix \code{CROSS_COMPILE64=aarch64-linux-}
+% \item In order to indicates that our SoC supports both 64 and 32 bits builds,
+%       we need to set \code{CFG_ARM64_core=y}
+% \item The AM62x SoC platform which is the k3 family is selected 
+%       too with \code{PLATFORM=k3}
+% \end{itemize}
+% So the resulting make command is:
+% \begin{bashinput}
+%     $ make PLATFORM=k3 CFG_ARM64_core=y CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi- CROSS_COMPILE64=aarch64-linux-
+% \end{bashinput}
+% You may encounter a building issue if you choose to set ARCH env variable
+% beacause Optee will try to load some specific makefiles to your architecture.
+% In that case you need to remove this variable with:
+% \inlinebash{$ export -n ARCH}
+\section{Configure U-boot for A53 Processor}
+First of all, like for the R5, we have to create an output directory:
+$ cd $HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader
+$ mkdir build_uboot/a53/
+$ cd u-boot/
+For setting-up the A53 U-Boot, we will reuse the previous
+U-Boot directory. Few configuration changes are however needed:
+\item Change your shell environment variables to match the new 
+  target architecture,
+  \begin{bashinput}
+  $ export ARCH=aarch64
+  $ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-
+  \end{bashinput}
+\item Load the \code{__defconfig} corresponding to the \code{am62x}
+  for \code{A53} Processor and point to the A53 output directory we just
+  created:
+  \begin{bashinput}
+  $ make am62x_evm_a53_defconfig O=../build_uboot/a53/
+  \end{bashinput}
+\item Now we have to tune the same parameters as for the R5 in the menuconfig
+  with the following command:
+  \begin{bashinput}
+  $ make menuconfig O=../build_uboot/a53/
+  \end{bashinput}
+\item Finally, we just have to call the make command and pass some parameters
+  to the makefile:
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item The path to the Trusted Firmware (TF-A):
+    \code{ATF=$HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader/arm-trusted-firmware/build/k3/lite/release/bl31.bin}
+  \item The path to the Device Management Firmware (DM) which is included
+    by the \code{ti-linux-firmware} package we downloaded before:
+    \code{DM=$HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader/ti-linux-firmware/ti-dm/am62xx/ipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f}
+  \item As usual, do not forget to specify the output directory:
+    \code{O=../build_uboot/a53}
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{bashinput}
+  $ make ATF=$HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader/arm-trusted-firmware/build/k3/lite/release/bl31.bin DM=$HOME/embedded-linux-beagleplay-labs/bootloader/ti-linux-firmware/ti-dm/am62xx/ipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f O=../build_uboot/a53
+  \end{bashinput}
+If you go to \inlinebash{$HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader/build_uboot/a53/}
+you can see that 2 of the 3 files we will use in the next part have been created
+(\code{tispl.bin} and \code{u-boot.img})
+\section{Preparing a bootable micro-SD card}
+The TI romcode will look for the needed images in a FAT partition
+on the SD card. To be recognized by the romcode, this partition have
+to have a special type and a special {\em Bootable} Flag.
+Let's prepare an SD card with such a partition.
+Plug the SD card your instructor gave you on your workstation. Type
+the \code{sudo dmesg} command to see which device is used by your
+workstation. In case the device is \code{/dev/mmcblk0}, you will see
+something like
+[46939.425299] mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 0007
+[46939.427947] mmcblk0: mmc0:0007 SD16G 14.5 GiB
+The device file name may be different (such as \code{/dev/sdb}
+if the card reader is connected to a USB bus (either internally
+or using a USB card reader).
+In the following instructions, we will assume that your SD card is
+seen as \code{/dev/mmcblk0} by your PC workstation.
+Type the \code{mount} command to check your currently mounted
+partitions. If SD partitions are mounted, unmount them:
+\bashcmd{$ sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0p*}
+We will erase the existing partition table by simply zero-ing the
+first 16 MiB of the SD card:
+\bashcmd{$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M count=16}
+Now, let's use the \code{fdisk} command to create the 2 partitions
+that we need to boot the board and store U-Boot env. Note that we could have stored the 
+U-Boot environment variables in the same partition as the bootloader images.
+But to demonstrate what U-Boot is capable of, we stored the U-Boot env
+into a separate partition.
+There exist several utilities to partition a disk, here we will
+be using \code{fdisk}
+\bashcmd{$ sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0}
+If the drive doesn't have any partiton table \code{fdisk} will automatically
+create a \code{dos} one. This corresponds to 
+traditional partitions tables that DOS/Windows would understand. 
+\code{gpt} partition tables are needed for disks bigger than 2 TB.
+First we need to create a First partition, which will contain the
+Command (m for help): n
+Select (default p): p
+Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
+First sector (2048-31116287, default 2048):
+Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-31116287, default 31116287): +128M
+Once this done, let's create the second one,
+Command (m for help): n
+Select (default p): p
+Partition number (2-4, default 2): 2
+First sector (264192-31116287, default 264192):
+Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (264192-31116287, default 31116287): +300M
+Now, like we said earlier, we have to set the type of the first partition to
+\code{W95 FAT32 (LBA)} and set the \code{Bootable} Flag:
+Command (m for help): t
+Partition number (1,2, default 2): 1
+Hex code or alias (type L to list all): c
+Command (m for help): a
+Partition number (1,2, default 2): 1
+When you are done, you can write your newly created partition table
+on the SD card and exit \code{fdisk}:
+Command (m for help): w
+We will create further partitions in a later lab, when we need them.
+To make sure that partition definitions are reloaded on your
+workstation, remove the SD card and insert it again.
+Now create a FAT32 filesystem on the bootable partiton:
+sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n boot /dev/mmcblk0p1
+And an EXT4 filesystem on the second partition.
+Note that we used the \code{-O ^metadata_csum} option which allows us to create
+the filesystem without enabling metadata check-sums, which U-Boot doesn't 
+seem to support yet.
+sudo mkfs.ext4 -L env -O ^metadata_csum /dev/mmcblk0p2
+You can now make your workstation automatically mount this
+partition by removing the SD card and plugging it back. It should
+now be mounted on \code{/media/$USER/boot}.
+Now, copy the \code{tiboot3.bin} image into the SD card,
+\code{tiboot3.bin} is located in the 
+folder and contains the 32 bits binaries.
+Next, copy both the \code{tispl.bin} and \code{u-boot.img} files.
+This time, the images contains 64 bits binaires, and therefore are contained
+in the \code{$HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader/build_uboot/a53}
+So we have the following commands:
+$ cp $HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader/k3-image-gen/tiboot3.bin /media/$USER/boot/
+$ cp $HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader/build_uboot/a53/tispl.bin /media/$USER/boot/
+$ cp $HOME/__SESSION_NAME__-labs/bootloader/build_uboot/a53/u-boot.img /media/$USER/boot/
+\section{Testing U-Boot}
+Insert the SD card in the board slot. To boot the board on the external micro-SD
+card, you need to hold the \code{USR/BOOT} button close to the USB host
+port, and then power-up or reset the board. You can then release the
+\code{USR} button. 
+This seems like a very inconvenient way of booting the board, but
+the selection of attempting to boot from the external micro-SD card
+remains active across resets, until the board is ultimately powered off.
+So, you will just need to use the button a few times during the course.
+If this is too inconvenient for you, you could use U-Boot on the
+external micro-SD card to flash a new version of U-Boot on the internal
+eMMC. This would allow you to boot without an external micro-SD card.
+Here's what you should get on the serial line:
+U-Boot SPL 2021.01-gf036fbdc25 (Jun 15 2023 - 11:06:38 +0200)
+SYSFW ABI: 3.1 (firmware rev 0x0009 '9.0.4--v09.00.04 (Kool Koala)')
+SPL initial stack usage: 13408 bytes
+Trying to boot from MMC2
+Loading Environment from EXT4... ** File not found /uboot.env **
+spl_load_fit_image: Skip load 'tee': image size is 0!
+** Unable to read "/uboot.env" from mmc1:2 **
+Starting ATF on ARM64 core...
+NOTICE:  BL31: v2.9(release):v2.9.0
+NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 13:55:17, Jun 15 2023
+U-Boot SPL 2021.01-gf036fbdc25 (Jun 19 2023 - 17:33:12 +0200)
+SYSFW ABI: 3.1 (firmware rev 0x0009 '9.0.4--v09.00.04 (Kool Koala)')
+Trying to boot from MMC2
+U-Boot 2021.01-gf036fbdc25 (Jun 19 2023 - 17:33:12 +0200)
+SoC:   AM62X SR1.0 GP
+Model: BeagleBoard.org BeaglePlay
+Board: BEAGLEPLAY-A0- rev 02
+DRAM:  2 GiB
+MMC:   mmc at fa10000: 0, mmc at fa00000: 1, mmc at fa20000: 2
+Loading Environment from EXT4... ** File not found /uboot.env **
+** Unable to read "/uboot.env" from mmc1:2 **
+In:    serial at 2800000
+Out:   serial at 2800000
+Err:   serial at 2800000
+Error: Can't set serial# to SSSS
+Net:   Could not get PHY for ethernet at 8000000port@1: addr 0
+am65_cpsw_nuss_port ethernet at 8000000port@1: phy_connect() failed
+No ethernet found.
+Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 2 seconds
+The code above shows us the main steps of the boot process.
+First we can see that the SPL bootloader as been loaded by the R5.
+Next the TF-A (ATF) is loaded and we jump into the normal boot world.
+Finally, the 64 bits U-Boot SPL is loaded which load U-Boot itself.
+\textbf{Note:} We can see that the R5 U-Boot SPL skips the 'tee'
+image. This is because we chose to not use OPTEE in order
+to make the Lab more understandable. If you want to add OPTEE please refer
+to the U-Boot Documentation
+Make sure that the version and compile date are right. Otherwise, try
+again, because this means that you booted on the internal eMMC.
+In U-Boot, type the \code{help} command, and explore the few commands
+\subsection{Adding a new command to the U-Boot shell}
+Check whether the \code{config} command is available. This command
+allows to dump the configuration settings U-Boot was compiled from.
+If it's not, go back to U-Boot's configuration and enable it.
+Re-run the build of U-Boot, and update the bootloader on the SD card
+and test that the command is now available and works as expected.
+\subsection{Playing with the U-Boot environment}
+Display the U-Boot environment using \code{printenv}\footnote{Note that
+the environment is already pretty full. This is beacause the selected
+U-Boot configuration already include default variables to help us configure
+the board}.
+Set a new U-Boot variable \code{foo} to a value of your choice, using
+\code{setenv}, and verify it has been set. Reset the board, and check
+if \code{foo} is still defined: it should not.
+Now repeat this process, but before resetting the board, use
+\code{saveenv}. After the reset, check the \code{foo} variable is
+still defined.
+Now reset the environment to its default settings using \code{env
+  default -a}, and save these changes using \code{saveenv}.
+\section{Setting up networking}
+The next step is to configure U-boot and your workstation to let your
+board download files, such as the kernel image and Device Tree Binary
+(DTB), using the TFTP protocol through a network connection.
+With a network cable, connect the Ethernet port of
+your board to the one of your computer. If your computer already has a
+wired connection to the network, your instructor will provide you with
+a USB Ethernet adapter. A new network interface should appear on your
+Linux system.
+\subsection{Network configuration on the target}
+Let's configure networking in U-Boot:
+\item \code{ipaddr}: IP address of the board
+\item \code{serverip}: IP address of the PC host
+=> setenv ipaddr
+=> setenv serverip
+Of course, make sure that this address belongs to a separate network
+segment from the one of the main company network.
+To make these settings permanent, save the environment:
+=> saveenv
+\subsection{Network configuration on the PC host}
+To configure your network interface on the workstation side, we need
+to know the name of the network interface connected to your board.
+Find the name of this interface by typing:
+\bashcmd{=> ip a}
+The network interface name is likely to be
+\code{enxxx}\footnote{Following the {\em Predictable Network Interface
+Names} convention:
+If you have a pluggable Ethernet device, it's easy to identify as it's
+the one that shows up after pluging in the device.
+Then, instead of configuring the host IP address from NetWork Manager's
+graphical interface, let's do it through its command line interface,
+which is so much easier to use:
+\bashcmd{$ nmcli con add type ethernet ifname en... ip4}
+\section{Setting up the TFTP server}
+Let's install a TFTP server on your development workstation:
+sudo apt install tftpd-hpa
+You can then test the TFTP connection. First, put a small text file in
+the directory exported through TFTP on your development
+workstation. Then, from U-Boot, do:
+=> tftp %\zimageboardaddr% textfile.txt
+The \code{tftp} command should have downloaded the
+\code{textfile.txt} file from your development workstation into
+the board's memory at location {\tt \zimageboardaddr}\footnote{
+This location is part of the board SDRAM. If you want
+to check where this value comes from, you can check the SoC
+datasheet at
+It's a big document (more than 12,000 pages). In this document, look
+for \code{Memory Map} and you will find the SoC memory map.
+You will see that the address range for the memory controller
+({\em DDR16SS0\_SDRAM})
+starts at the address we are looking for.
+You can also try with other values in the RAM address range.}.
+You can verify that the download was successful by dumping the
+contents of the memory:
+=> md %\zimageboardaddr%
+We will see in the next labs how to use U-Boot to download, flash and
+boot a kernel.
+\section{Rescue binaries}
+If you have trouble generating binaries that work properly, or later
+make a mistake that causes you to lose your bootloader binaries, you
+will find working versions under \code{data/} in the current lab
diff --git a/mk/embedded-linux-beagleplay.mk b/mk/embedded-linux-beagleplay.mk
index 68847343..a1a35c4f 100644
--- a/mk/embedded-linux-beagleplay.mk
+++ b/mk/embedded-linux-beagleplay.mk
 		sysdev-toolchain \
+		sysdev-u-boot-beagleplay \

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